The Animal QTLdb Release
Dec 29, 2015


Release 28

(Dec 29, 2015): A sum of 6,622 new QTL added to the database. The current total number of QTL in the database: 64,036 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 42,019; Chicken: 5,196; Horse: 1,125; Pig: 14,479; Sheep: 1,090; Rainbow trout: 127] (New additions less obsolete ones: Cattle: 5,326; Chicken: 520; Horse: 1; Pig: 521; Sheep: 254; Rainbow trout: 0 -- Net increase: 6,622).
Functions: (1) New information pages were set up to describe the steps needed to upload a large quantity of new QTL/association data. An important part of this information is a set of guidelines regarding the minimum Information required for preparation of new QTL/association data. Actual working examples will be added in the coming months. (2) A new plot tool for whole genome view of QTL/association data was created. This is to overcome the space limitations of the old plot tool where all chromosomes are arranged in a panel with a fixed dimension (as such the old whole genome plot only gives a brief overview of QTL/associations with limited number of data allowed by the space). Currently the new plot tool is linked from the old tool as an alternative. It will be made as default, and more query/plot options will be implemented for wider applications in the coming months. (3) An user input portal is added to the QTL/association view page. The purpose of this function is for users to add annotations, comments, and report problems. Additional annotation data will aid future meta analysis; problem report will help with our data quality control efforts. (4) A new function is added that it is not possible to review QTL/association data by traits, and enter the same comments for multiple QTL/association data for the same trait. This relives curators from laborious repeats and helps for a better data review. (5) A number of debugs in the curator/editor tools were found and fixed. This continued effort helps to ensure an improved data curation process.

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