The Animal QTLdb Release
Apr 29, 2018
Release 35
(Apr 29, 2018):
A sum of 7,308 new QTL
added to the database. (New additions less obsolete/retracted ones:
Catfish: 0; Cattle: 5,216; Chicken: 615; Horse: 45; Pig: 1,389;
Sheep: 43; Rainbow trout: 0 -- Net increase: 7,308).
The current total number of QTL in the database: 153,150
[Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 113,256; Chicken: 8,978; Horse: 1,349; Pig: 27,465;
Sheep: 1,975; Rainbow trout: 127] Database developments: (1) We have introduced the use of DOI (Digital Object Identifiers) on reference data that have a DOI record. This is to facilitate the link-out service useful for unification of identified records and database federation. Where applicable, DOI will become part of the required data for submission to the Animal QTLdb. (2) Active curator/editor tool improvements have continued. The most recent improvements include managing the trait list with modifiers (for traits that are the "same" by nature but slightly different in terms of attached information, such as time, location, and other conditions as "modifiers"), which helps the curators better manage the curation environment. Another improvement is to wrap the critical database internal identifiers in the backend process to avoid situations where errors might be introduced.
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