The Animal QTLdb Release
Dec 29, 2019


Release 40

(Dec 29, 2019): A sum of 4,250 new QTL have been added to the database. (New additions less obsolete/retracted ones: Catfish: 0; Cattle: 3,216; Chicken: 478; Horse: 153; Pig: 305; Sheep: 98; Rainbow trout: 0 -- Net increase: 4,250). The current total number of QTL in the database: 178,491 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 130,407; Chicken: 11,818; Horse: 2,413; Pig: 30,170; Sheep: 3,099; Rainbow trout: 584]
( This is a joint release with the 8th CorrDB release)

Database developments: (1) A new version of the QTL/associations enrichment analysis tool is available in the Animal QTLdb (listed under "Search and Analysis" tools). This version of the tool allows users to select traits and chromosome regions of interests for analysis of QTL/associations representations in the region versus that of the whole genome. (2) The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) data in the Animal QTLdb is made visible on the abstract view and data summary view pages. Users can follow the DOI link to the full text of a publication when they are available. (3) First phase of curator/editor tools renovation as a result of data model and database structural changes due to the inclusion of eQTL data into the database.

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