Pig Genome Update No. 7
July 1, 1994
USPIGBASE now is on World Wide Web (WWW). As part of the pig genome coordination efforts supported by the National Animal Genome Research Program, a WWW server has been established at Iowa State University to support the Pig Gene Mapping Effort. The WWW server makes hypertext files including graphic images available for easy access by anyone with internet access. You can get information or browse through the various resources with a simple point and click interface with the mouse on your computer. The URL, Universal Resource Locator, or "address" for this new information source is: http://www.genome.iastate.edu. Not only will this address provide a convenient gateway to USPIGBASE, it will also allow the presentation of graphics and documents germane to pig gene mapping, e-mail addresses of colleagues, upcoming meeting announcements, and pointers to other genome related databases. WWW is comparable to both WAIS and Gopher, in that it is a client server information system running over the internet. The WWW system has an open addressing scheme allowing links to be made to any objects on WWW, WAIS, Gopher, FTP, NFS, or Network News servers.    [go to top]
Access via WWW will allow users to obtain the following pieces of information: Coordinator Update, addresses of pig gene mappers, genome newsletters including Pig Genome Update and the NAPGR newsletter, information on angenmap, meeting schedule, available microsatellite markers, USPIGBASE access, USDA/ARS gene mapping information, international pig gene mapping information, other databases and finally a whole set of interesting graphics. More can be added so just let us know what might be useful.    [go to top]
How to get started? The best way to access information on WWW is to use TCP/IP access to the internet and client software like Mosaic, Cello or Samba installed on your computer equipment. It is not possible for me to describe all the details involved in setting up all the various types of equipment that you might be using. The good news is that usually the needed software is available for a minimal or no cost. Mosaic can be obtained from Anonymous FTP from ftp.NCSA.uiuc.edu. Mosaic software is available for the X Window System, the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows. Cello runs under Microsoft Windows systems and Samba runs under the Apple Macintosh system. Still other software is available for other systems and connections. Contact your computer specialist for assistance. Once you start accessing information through these technologies, you will wonder how you ever functioned without them!    [go to top]
Production of microsatellite primers has really been booming. We have reached our goal of production of primer pairs for 150 microsatellites. These are available in 5000 picamole aliquots in tubes with easy to read labels. I again want to thank Joan Lunney, Deryl Troyer and Brian Kirkpatrick for their excellent help in selecting the markers. To get them please send me a note or an e-mail request.    [go to top]
An excellent meeting on Future Genetics in the Livestock Industry was held on May 4 in St. Louis with over 110 attendees. The meeting had talks on molecular genetics, gene mapping, QTL discovery, disease resistance and industry interactions. That evening I met with about 20 people from industry and academia. We had a very useful discussion on setting up pig industry QTL families. All the genome coordinators attended and the coordination effort of all species is moving smoothly.In the past two weeks I have attended several interesting meetings. The NC-206, Genetic Regulation of Pork Production, met in Ohio and discussed revising their project. They concluded that there is a real need for them to be involved in QTL projects and they plan an objective in this area. The second meeting was a National Animal Genome Workshop held in Winnepeg, Canada. Craig Beattie and I were speakers at the workshop which was devoted to developing a national plan in Canada for coordinating animal genome research. There was a great deal of interest in linking up in the future with NRSP-8.    [go to top]
Fill in your calendar now for the upcoming NAGRP meeting. In conjunction with NC-209, the swine genome committee (NC-210) and the sheep and cattle genome committees, NAGRP will be meeting in Minneapolis at the Radisson Hotel Metrodome. The tentative schedule is for the swine gene mapping committee (NC-210) and the other species committees to be meeting on Thursday, September 22, 1994 and the NAGRP meeting will be held on Friday the 23rd of September. A reminder that all stations will need to submit a written annual report. There may be additional plans related to the meeting and those will be published in a later Pig Genome Update.    [go to top]
A workshop for chromosome 6 is being planned by C. Louis, University of Minnesota. Details for the conference are provided by Dr. Louis in the attached materials prepared by him. If you are interested in receiving partial funding to attend this conference please contact me for details.    [go to top]
Project ideas for gene mapping which fit the goals of the genome coordination are always welcome. Funding will depend on the usefulness, cost and budget availability, and the applicability to all swine genome committee members. I have reviewed several ideas and plan to fund a number of them. If you have an idea, please send me complete information and who will be involved.    [go to top]
Please note that I will no longer be using my 294-3629 phone number. I can be reached at 515-294-6202. This summer I will be leaving my half time job as Assistant Director in the Iowa Agriculture Experiment Station to return to the Animal Science faculty full time. While the last 4 years have been fun I have planned this move for some time and it should give me more time for the coordination efforts and my research.    [go to top]Contributions to Pig Genome Update 8 are always welcome. Please send by the 20th of August.
Hope to see many of you at the meetings in Minneapolis, Prague or Guelph.
Max Rothschild U.S. Pig Genome Coordinator 2255 Kildee Hall, Department of Animal Science Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011 Phone: 515-294-6202, Fax: 515-294-2401 mfrothsc@iastate.edu
Paid for by funds from the NRSP-8
USDA/CSREES sponsored
Pig Genome Coordination Programhttp://www.genome.iastate.edu/
Mailing list: angenmap@db.genome.iastate.edu
© US Pig Genome Coordination Program