Pig Genome Update No. 12
May 1, 1995
Two new mapping papers are now published. The PiGMaP linkage map is now in Mammalian Genome 6:157-175. The paper presents results from 18 labs worldwide and includes information on 81 genes and 158 anonymous markers. An overall pig physical map is also now published by Yerle et al. in Mammalian Genome 6:176-186. Just look for the March 1995 Mammalian Genome with the pigs on the cover. Data from these papers will be in the PiGBASE database edited by Alan Archibald and Max Rothschild.
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The recent Midwest ASAS/ADSA meeting featured several papers on mapping, cloning and QTL research in pigs. The research presented included mapping on chromosome 1 (Iowa State University), cloning and mapping OCT1 (Iowa State University), QTL research with alpha lactalbumin (University of Illinois, University of Minnesota), identification of QTL on chromosome 7 (Iowa State University), identification of microsatellites conserved among species (University of Wisconsin) and database development (Iowa State University and PiGMaP collaborators). These abstracts will be entered soon into the database.
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Primers for an additional 97 microsatellites from the three porcine genetic linkage maps will be available free of charge after May 10. The primers come in 10,000 pmole units. If you would like a set, please send me a letter or e-mail (mfrothsc@iastate.edu). There are now 271 published microsatellites for which primers are available. Thanks to all of you who helped give suggestions on the choice of these markers. For a list of the microsatellites available, by chromosome, just go to the http://www.genome.iastate.edu. Additional aliquots of most of the previous 175 microsatellites are also available in 10,000 pmole aliquots. If you would like another set, please contact us. These are available until the supply runs out.
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A new mapping feature in PiGBASE allows you to link up the separate linkage maps. Have you ever wanted to line up the individual linkage maps and tie them together using genes mapped in common on the maps? Now you can. To do this enter the database thru http://www.genome.iastate.edu (the U.S. Pig Genome Home Page) and select the PiGBASE Managers and then the Map manager or select the PigBASE Browser under http://www.ri.bbsrc.ac.uk/pigmap/pigmap.html (the Roslin home page for PiGMaP). At present you can select the one physical map and the three linkage maps (PiGMaP, USDA and Uppsala). After the maps are drawn you may notice that the orientation of one map may not fit with the orientaion of the others. (For instance chromosome 1 USDA is not in the same orientation as the other maps). You then click the "Flip" button below that map you wish to flip and it will redraw it upside down. Then click the "Common" button and lines will be drawn between the genes or markers that are in common.
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Additional gene mapping news is now available through the Poultry Genome Newsletter. The newsletter is published quarterly by Dr. Jerry Dodgson, the U.S. Poultry Genome Coordinator. Look for it on the Angenmap computer discussion group.
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Congratulations to Dr. Noelle Muggli-Cockett and her husband John, on the arrival of the first member of their own reference/resource family. Their son Dylan, was born on April 15.
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Its not too late to attend some excellent meetings in May: Biotechnology's Role in the Genetic Improvement of Farm Animals, Beltsville, MD, May 14-17, 1995. Contact Dr. Joan Lunney at 301-504-9368. NABC 7, Genes For the Future, Discovery, Ownership and Access, Columbia, MI, May 24-27, 1995. For information contact Ms. Karen Powell at 314-882-2429.
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Also in the near future is a workshop on automated genotyping. The Iowa State University DNA Sequencing and Synthesis Facility in conjunction with the Applied Biosystems Division of Perkin Elmer announce a symposium and workshop on automated genotyping June 6 and 7, 1995 in the auditorium of the Molecular Biology Building at Iowa State University. There is no registration fee but registration is requested. June 6th will be a symposium on plant and animal applications of automated genotyping including the Applied Biosystems Gene Scan and Genotyper software. Dr. Denis Milan is a participant and will present his experiences with automated genotyping in pigs. June 7th will be a workshop to allow participants to view the Applied Biosystems 373 and 377 automated sequencing instruments in operation and to generate a data set for hands on manipulation of Gene Scan and Genotyper Software. Symposium participants will receive complementary beverages and a box lunch on June 6. For further details and announcements please contact the DNA Sequencing and Synthesis Facility, hhills@iastate.edu or Harold G. Hills, Ph.D., 1184 Molecular Biology Building, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 500113260. Phone: 515-2949585, Fax: 515- 2941597.
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Keeping with our attempts to inform you on other species here is a report about the bovine genome project. Several maps of the bovine genome are under construction. Two published linkage maps continue to grow through genotyping of families distributed by MARC and an ISAG committee. The International Bovine Reference Family Panel (IBRP), the ISAG bovine version of the human CEPH families, has now been typed in 22 different laboratories including six in the U.S. The NAGRP cattle coordinator is responsible for distribution of the IBRP DNA in North America. There are presently more than 550 markers on this map, 95% of which are linked. The number of coding sequences on this map has grown to more than 100. Other linkage data sets, such as the one coordinated by Harris Lewin at U. Illinois, are also growing rapidly. A current challenge is to merge these and other maps into consensus linkage maps; an exercise that was successfully initiated for chromosome 23 at the 1994 ISAG meeting in Prague. Cytogenetic and comparative maps are growing in parallel to the linkage map. At least 70 in situ localizations have been made and more than 275 comparative assignments relative to human are known. A dozen economic trait loci are now assigned to specific chromosomal regions. The NAGRP is dedicated to making comprehensive referenced bovine mapping information available through the WWW. To insure the international scope of such a database, collaboration with BovMap has been formalized and Alan Hillyard is completing the merger of data into GBASE format comparable to that in use for pigs, sheep, and poultry. Mr. Srinivas Kata has been employed at Texas A&M University to share editing responsibilities with BoVMAP counterparts. (Kindly provided by Dr. James Womack, JWOMACK@VETMED.TAMU.EDU).
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The First International Equine Gene Mapping Workshop will be convened October 1820, 1995 in Lexington, Kentucky by the Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Foundation. The primary goal for the workshop is to make a linkage map for the horse through collaborative efforts between laboratories. In addition, the workshop will also support work on the physical map. Those interested in this workshop are invited to contact Dr. Ernest Bailey, M.H. Gluck Equine Research Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 405460099, phone: 6062571145, fax: 606-2578542, email: vsc003@ukcc.uky.edu. (Kindly provided by Dr. E. Bailey).Contributions to Pig Genome Update 13 including short meeting announcements are always welcome. Please send by the 15th of June.
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Max Rothschild U.S. Pig Genome Coordinator 2255 Kildee Hall, Department of Animal Science Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011 Phone: 515-294-6202, Fax: 515-294-2401 mfrothsc@iastate.edu
Paid for by funds from the NRSP-8
USDA/CSREES sponsored
Pig Genome Coordination Programhttp://www.genome.iastate.edu/
Mailing list: angenmap@db.genome.iastate.edu
© US Pig Genome Coordination Program