

Merges all pairs of compatible markers detected by mrkdouble.

Synopsis :

The mrkmerges command is invoked either as:

Description :

The command is used to merge all pairs of markers whose observed genotypes on all individuals are compatible with each other (closely related markers for which no recombination/breakage has been observed) and at least one individual is genotyped for the two markers (i.e. LOD 2pt between the two markers is strictly greater than 0). Notice that marker1 can be compatible with marker2 and marker3, but after merging marker1 with marker2, the resulting genotyping vector corresponding to this group of two markers may be no more compatible with the one of marker3. mrkmerges checks this case, possibly reporting that two markers are no more compatibles.

Arguments :

Returns :


Example :

# we first load a data set
CG> dsload Data/
{1 f2 backcross 20 208 /home/tschiex/Dev/carthagene/doc/user/exemple/Data/b...
# and ask for markers that can be merged
CG> mrkdouble

Possible double markers:

                MS9 = MS10            [7.2]
                MS9 = MS14            [3.6]
               MS10 = MS11            [3.6]
               MS11 = MS14            [3.6]
               MS12 = MS13            [18.7]
               MS12 = MS14            [3.6]
               MS13 = MS14            [6.0]
               MS14 = MS16            [3.6]
               MS14 = MS17            [1.5]
               MS17 = MS18            [16.0]

# then merge all compatible markers
CG> mrkmerges
Markers 9 and 10 merged in 9.
The two markers are incompatibles.
The two markers are incompatibles.
Markers 12 and 13 merged in 12.
Markers 11 and 14 merged in 11.
The two markers are incompatibles.
The two markers are incompatibles.
The two markers are incompatibles.
Markers 17 and 18 merged in 17.
The two markers are incompatibles.

See also :

Thomas Schiex 2009-10-27